WinMend Registry Defrag

pagal | 2016 11 02

„WinMend Registry Defrag“- „Windows“ registrų defragmantavimo įrankis, kuris padės paspartinti Jūsų operacinę sistemą.


A reliable and easy-to-use software utility that enables you to improve your system performance by reducing the amount of fragmentation in your registry

WinMend Registry Defrag is a tool designed to help you improve the speed at which you access the Windows registry, by reducing its size.

The interface of the application is plain and simple to navigate through. The first step that you can take is to analyze your system’s registry.

During this time, it is highly advised that you close all your running applications and refrain yourself from making any actions on the computer.

Once the scanning job is done, you can view results which display by how much your registry can be reduced (in size and percentage), as well as the new speed of registry access, along with two „before and after“ graphical representations.

But you can also get an in-depth evaluation by finding out the exact parts of the registry which can be reduced in size (view the file path, initial and new size).

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