Windows Service Master 1.0

pagal | 2011 05 01

Ši programa padės Jums su Windows servisais, juos įjungti, išjungti ir tvarkyti.


Easily manage your Windows services suing this small utility.

Windows Service Master allows you to enumerate all services on a system, display selected service information (including service name, display name, service status, startup type, account, description, binary module), stop/start or uninstall selected service.

Windows Service is a long-running executable that performs specific functions with ‘System’ privileges and which is designed not to require user intervention.

Windows Services can be configured to start when the operating system is booted, run in the background as long as Windows is running, and execute higher privilege operations which otherwise cannot be performed by normal processes.

Due to these advantages, often malware applications use services to monitor and control the target system.

Windows Service Master makes it easy to eliminate such malicious services and remove them. Give Windows Service Master a try to see what it’s really capable of!

Atsisiųsti ( 54 KB / Windows XP / Vista / 7 )
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