USB Image Tool

pagal | 2020 10 06
USB Image tool

„USB Image Tool“ – tai nedidelis įrankis, leisiantis sukurti išorinio kietojo disko/USB atmintinės atsarginę duomenų kopiją ( IMG, IMA, IMZ formatu) ir ją reikalui esant- atkurti.


Backup and restore your USB drives with ease and accuracy with just a few clicks, thanks to this application that requires no installation

USB Image Tool is an application that provides your flash drives with a backup and restore system.

The software doesn’t require any installation, your Windows registry entries remain unchanged, so that means USB Image Tool is portable. You can also place the app on an external device and run it on any computer.

Its user interface consists of a window in which you can toggle between volume and device mode. You can view information about the device (e.g. name, number, identifier, serial) and volume (e.g. path, file system, size, free).

Also, you will be able to create a favorites list from the USB images you have stored on your hard drive, as well as configure options (e.g. create MD5 checksums during backup, truncate oversized images in device mode, suggest backup image file name, save settings to registry).

Thus, you can select between the „Rescan“, „Restore“ and „Backup“ functions. In the case of „Backup“, you can set the output name, format (e.g. IMG, IMA, IMZ) and destination. The recovery process is simple as well.

Atsisiųsti (829 KB/ Windows OS )

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