System Timer 1.0.2

pagal | 2013 06 20

System Timer screenshot 1 - System Timer allows users to set the delay interval for the shutdown operation.

Maža programėlė skirta Jūsų pasirinktu laiko intervalu (valandomis / minutėmis / sekundėmis) išjungti / perkrauti kompiuterį ar atsijungti nuo vartotojo.


Schedule reboot, shutdown or log off operations

System Timer is a handy and reliable application designed to provide a simple method for scheduling shutdown operations.

You can set the application to restart, log off or shutdown the computer after the specified interval (in hours, minutes and seconds).

Atsisiųsti ( 384 KB / Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8 64 bit )


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