„Secure Eraser“ programa užtikrins jūsų duomenų (nereikalingų failų, katalogų, kietojo disko skirsnių, registrų) nesugražinamą pašalinimą net 5 skirtingais saugumo lygiais.
A software package that enables users to securely delete files or folders, clean the registry and delete temporary files from their computers
Secure Eraser Standard Edition is a powerful utility whose main purpose is to permanently delete files and folders from your computer, by using secured algorithms. Thus, you can prevent unauthorized users from recovering sensitive information.
The interface of the application is intuitive and looks professional. In order to start the deletion procedure, you can import files and folders by using either the file browser, tree view or ‘drag and drop’ method.
The file queue displays the location of each item. Secure Eraser Standard Edition supports five high-end deletion algorithms, and shows a description for each of them.
As we have mentioned before, secure data deletion is just one of Secure Eraser Standard Edition’s features. In addition, the program can securely overwrite previously removed items, or drives and partitions – filenames of deleted files of the drive’s Master File Table (or MFT) and the Update Sequence Number Journal (or USN Journal) if it’s active (on NTFS drives only).