Recovery Toolbox File Undelete Free

pagal | 2013 05 20

Recovery Toolbox File Undelete Free screenshot 1 - From the main window of Recovery Toolbox File Undelete Free, you can select the source disk where erased files are placed

Kartais atsitinka, kad per klaidą ištriname ar kitaip prarandame mums svarbius failus iš kietojo disko. Tokiu atveju nereikia panikuoti, nes į pagalbą ateina nemokamas įrankis „Recovery Toolbox File Undelete Free“. Jis padės lengvai atkurti Jūsų jau pašalintus failus iš pasirinktos kietojo disko vietos. Programa palaiko tik kietuosius diskus, kurie suformatuoti NTFS failų sistema.


Deleted files recovery tool for NTFS drives.

Recovery Toolbox File Undelete Free is an application that you can use in order to rapidly restore deleted files on NTFS drives

No matter how a file was deleted, you should know that in the majority of cases they can be restored – and it won’t cost you a fortune and won’t take days. Fortunately, modern file systems make it possible to restore files and there are applications out there that can make it a snap – programs like Recovery Toolbox File Undelete Free!

The intuitive wizard-based interface of the software turns a seemingly difficult task into a series of simple steps that will take you from A to B in literally no time. All you need to do is to start the program, specify the drive to be scanned for deleted items, select the files to restore, specify recovery options, the output folder and, finally, save the recovered files.

Recovery Toolbox File Undelete Free screenshot 2 - You can explore the selected drive in order to view and select deleted files for recovering

Recovery Toolbox File Undelete Free screenshot 3 - You can set the target folder where the recovered files will be stored and the restore mode

Recovery Toolbox File Undelete Free screenshot 4 - After a scan is performed, the app displays the recovered files that are placed in a log of restoring process

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