Quick StartUp

pagal | 2018 07 09

„Quick StartUp“ –  įrankis, kuris padės jums sutvarkyti programas ir procesus, OS paleidimo metu. Nereikalingus ar nenaudojamus išjungę, paspartinsite jos įsikrovimą. Užduotį palengvins supaprastinta programos išvaizda.


Quick-StartUp_4Manage start-up applications and improve your Windows loading time with the help of this handy and easy to use piece of software

Quick StartUp is a program that you can use to configure applications which automatically run at system startup and ultimately improve the Windows boot time.

Since the tool is ad-supported, you should pay special attention when installing it because it offers to make some changes to your web browsers.

If you’re running this program on Windows 7, then makes sure you check the ”Run as administrator” option. Else, an error pops up upon initialization.

The tool has a clean and user-friendly interface which automatically displays apps that run at Windows startup.

Atsisiųsti ( 6.1 MB/ Windows XP ir vėlesnės )


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