PShutDown 1.2.2

pagal | 2013 06 08

PShutDown screenshot 1 - In the main window of PShutDown, you can set your computer to shutdown, reboot, logoff, enter sleeping mode or show a message

Nedidelis įrankis skirtas nurodytą dieną ir pasirinktu laiku išjungti/perkrauti/užmigdyti kompiuterį, atsijungti nuo vartotojo ar išjungti ekraną, paleisti pasirinktą programą ar žadintuvą bei parodyti iššokstantį pranešimą.


Easily chedule your computer to shutdown or logoff

PShutDown is a small application that you can  use to rapidly set your computer to perform a wide variety of actions such as shutdown, reboot, logoff, run program, run alarm, switch off monitor or display a message.

PShutDown was developed so that it offers support for plug-ins, and you can enable it to force the completion of application before performing any action.

PShutDown screenshot 2 - After choosing the exact time, date or frequency, the computer will show the note you enter in the Message text window

PShutDown screenshot 3 - You can enable the app to play a sound in the last ten seconds before performing a previously set action from the Setting window

PShutDown screenshot 4 - You can send the app to system tray, change the language or hide the progress bar by accessing the Interface section

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