Patch My PC

pagal | 2012 03 01

Manote jog Jūsų kompiuterio programos yra pasenusios ir norite tai patikrinti bei atsisiųsti naujausias jų versijas? Tokių atveju, Jums daugiau nebereikės eiti į oficialų programos kūrėjų tinklapį, jeigu atsisiųsite šią pagalbininkę, kuri padės Jums lengvai atnaujinti kompiuteryje esančią programinę įrangą keliais mygtuko paspaudimais. To reikia tam, nes senosiose versijose gali būti daug saugumo spragų per kurias patenka virusai ar kiti kenkėjai, be to pasenusios programos neturi tiek daug įvairiausių funkcijų kiek naujosios. Galėsite atnaujinti populiariausias programas, tokias kaip Adobe Reader, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Flash, Mozilla Firefox, Oracle Java, Google Chrome, CCleaner, Apple Quicktime ir daugelį kitų.


Keep your PC up to date with this easy-to-use application

Patch My PC is a portable and reliable utility designed to check your system against the current versions of Adobe Reader, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Flash, Mozilla Firefox, Oracle Java, Google Chrome, CCleaner and Apple Quicktime. The application is designed to offer PC users a easy solution to upgrade common third party software to the latest version.

When started, Patch My PC will scan for outdated software automatically. If software is outdated it will show as Red, if it’s updated it will show as Green, and if it’s not installed it will show as black.

Here are some key features of „Patch My PC“:

Easy to use User Interface:
· Outdated software will show in Red
· Up to date will show in Green

· Patches many common third party products
· Offers many optional software you can include in the update process.
· Shortcuts to many common Windows Tools.
· Can scan your computer to see if any Windows Updates are needed.

What’s New in This Release:

· Fixes a bug where the uninstall program list won’t resize correctly
· Fixes a bug when disabling a startup program located in HKCU won’t disable
· Adds support for Dutch downloads (Firefox, Thunderbird, Microsoft Security Essentials)
· Adds a feature that will display how many other updates are available in the banner

Atsisiųsti ( 312 KB / WindowsOS )

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