MiniTool Partition Wizard Free 10.2.1

pagal | 2017 03 23

„MiniTool Partition Wizard Free“ – kietojo disko skirsnių pagalbinis įrankis, kuris leis Jums juos sutvarkyti (formatuoti, kurti, ištrinti, sujungti, padalinti, kopijuoti, paskirti raidę, pervardinti ir kt.), patikrinti ir ištaisyti esamas klaidas.


Partition-Wizard-Home-Edition_1Keep your home computer’s hard disk drive free of errors and manage its partitions with the help of this intuitive software application

Even if your machine’s CPU is capable of putting on a good show and the memory unit processes info fast, without a healthy hard disk drive the overall performance is greatly reduced. Luckily, with the help of specialized applications such as MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition you can keep an eye on your hard disk drive’s status to maximize potential and make your computer run smooth.

Visually appealing and easy to use

Running the application gives you a feeling that you already know what needs to be done and where functions are placed. The interface put at your disposal sports a modern and fresh look, with buttons cleverly arranged and emphasized by intuitive icons.

A center list displays all detected storage devices, along with info such as free/used space, file system, type, as well as status. Processes can easily be put in motion from the application’s context menu, or having an element selected after which you choose options from the toolbar.

Atsisiųsti ( 44.8 MB/ Windows OS )

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