McRip SystemFiles 1.0.8

pagal | 2011 12 10

Ši programos dėka, galėsite nebeieškoti atskirai šių svarbiausių programų: Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Shockwave Player, Java Runtime Environment, Microsoft DirectX, Microsoft Silverlight, nes McRip SystemFiles 1.0.8 pakete jau yra viskas. Galite ne tik atskirai įsidiegti šiuos paketus, tačiau ir atnaujinti jau įrašytas, senesnės versijos programas,o jei kurios programos nereikia, tada galėsite paprasčiausiai nuimti varnelę ir jį neįsidiegs.


Installs and updates Flash, Java, DirectX, Shockwave and Silverlight

McRip SystemFiles is an AIO installer that includes the latest versions of:
– Adobe Flash Player
– Adobe Shockwave Player
– Java Runtime Environment
– Microsoft DirectX
– Microsoft Silverlight

You can use McRip SystemFiles to quickly install the above mentioned utilities hassle free.
Here are some key features of „McRip SystemFiles“:

· All applications will be extracted and installed from Temp folder
· All applications will install silently (except Shockwave, as mentioned above)
· Flash Player, Shockwave and Java will be installed with automatic updates disabled
· If Java is selected for installation, all previous versions will be uninstalled first (applies to both x86 and x64)
· After Java has been installed, jqs.exe will be deleted and removed from startup (no system tray icon will be shown)

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Reitingas: 10.0/10 (1 balsas)
McRip SystemFiles 1.0.8, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating
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