McAfee TechCheck 1.0.4

pagal | 2012 03 05

Kai kurios programinės įrangos turi problemų, kurios gali sutrikdyti kompiuterio našumą. Ši programa patikrins operacinę sistemą, tinklo ir naršyklės konfigūraciją ar nėra problemų.


A quick check of your PC’s performance.

McAfee TechCheck is designed to help you identify software or hardware issues that might lower your computer’s performance.

Checks your PC’s for issues with your operating system, network and browser configuration, hardware and peripherals, and your software and applications.

Reccomends McAfee TechMaster services that are available for purchase that can resolve your software or hardware issues identified through the diagnostic scan.

Atsisiųsti ( 2.9 MB / Windows OS )

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