Macrorit Disk Partition Expert Free Edition 4.3.4

pagal | 2017 03 10

Universalus įrankis skirtas kietojo disko skirsnių tvarkymui. Jo dėka galėsite sukurti naujus norimos vietos skirsnius, juos kopijuoti, perkelti, patikrinti nuo klaidų, defragmentuoti, formatuoti, išvalyti nuo šiukšlių, pervardinti jo raidę ar tiesiog ištrinti. Užduotį palengvina tvarkingas funkcijų išdėstymas.


Macrorit-Disk-Partition-Expert-Free_1Manage the space on your disks and partitions more effectively and maintain your volumes’ optimal performance using this user-friendly tool

Macrorit Disk Partition Expert Free is a lightweight, portable utility that packs several powerful tools for managing your hard disks along with their volumes more efficiently from the same location.

Quick setup and easy to navigate interface

The application does not require installation or configuration, as all you need to do is specify the location on your computer where you would like to decompress the archive. The program includes a user-friendly GUI that enables you to quickly access and perform the desired operation.

While the app displays some basic information about the free and reserved space on your drives, if you would like to know more details, such as file system, sector size, the total number of sectors, cluster size or the volume’s GUID, then you can access the View Properties tab.

Atsisiųsti ( 16.8 MB / Windows XP ir vėlesnės )

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