
pagal | 2011 07 13

Su šia programa galėsite atkurti ištrintus ar prarastus duomenis. Programoje daugybė nustatymų, kurie bus naudingi ir pradedantiesiems vartotojams,bei ir jau pažengusiems.


A highly configurable backup utility for home and small to medium business

LojiklSweep is a flexible backup tools that can be twisted and turned, folded and moulded to fit almost any backup task.

LojiklSweep was created out of a desire to be able to customize an enterprise’s backup requirements. Something the that we could not manage to find in any other product.

Here are some key features of „LojiklSweep“:

· A Simple yet effective User Interface

A backup project defines what to backup, and scheduled tasks define when, where and how:
· No need to tediously define what to backup for each schedule.
· Backup Weekly to your office server with Compression.
· Backup Daily to your second Hard Disk without Compression.
· Easily specify what to back up and what not to backup. Built-in „Providers“ will automatically find where your mail is stored, where your documents are stored and include them in the backup.

Advanced Timestamping lets you backup to folders that are created by using the Current Date, or just part of the date For example:
· C:\Backups\Daily\#d# would backup daily, creating a folder for each day, and would cycle weekly.
· C:\Backups\%s5\%u% would create a backup using the current Schedule and the User Name i.e. C:\Backups\MonthlyBackup\John

· Easily restore files. Files are not hidden or disguised in anyway. Simply browse to your Backup folder or Compressed Archive find the file(s) or Registry settings you need and simply copy them back.

Atsisiųsti ( 3.9 MB / Windows OS )

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