Large Files And Folders Finder

pagal | 2014 08 30

Large Files And Folders Finder screenshot 1 - Large Files And Folders Finder enables you to identify the location of large files on your hard drive.

Programa skirta daug vietos užimančių failų ir katalogų paieškai kietajame ar išoriniame diske. Pasirinktus galėsite ištrinti ir taip atlaisvinti vietą kompiuteryje.


A handy application that enables you to look for large files and folders on all drives that are connected to the computer and free up disk space

Large Files And Folders Finder is a handy tool that you can use to look for large files and folders on local or removable storage devices in order to determine the content that is taking too much disk space.

Forthright appearance and accessible options

Thanks to a user-friendly interface, the application is very easy to use. Its GUI consists of a single window that includes all the options and functions, with no additional menus to explore.

All the connected local or removable storage devices are detected and displayed within its main window, enabling you to select the drive you want the application to analyze. You can instruct it to filter the search by adjusting the minimum size it should look for, as well as choose one or more directories you want it to completely ignore during the search process.

Large Files And Folders Finder screenshot 2 - You can easily add one or more folders to exclude from the scanning process.

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