KM Remote 2.91

pagal | 2012 10 01

Programa, kuri leis jums valdyti kompiuterį balsu. Nusistatykite norimus žodžius programoms atidaryti, pvz. pasakius paštas atsidarys el. pašto programa, internetas – naršyklės langas, dainos pavadinimas – norima daina, galima pasirinkti net žodžius kurie valdys klaviatūrą ar pelytę.


Remote control Windows using keys, mouse or voice commands

With KM Remote it is possible to remote control Windows using keyboard, mouse and voice. Pressing one of defined virtual buttons or saying voice command calls associated action or displays OSD menu if more than one action is defined.

KM Remote is an application that allows you to use mouse shortcuts to access your favorite applications easily.

The same shortcut can work differently in different applications! Middle mouse button can close tab in web browser and change zoom level to 100% in Windows Live Picture Viewer!

What’s New in This Release:

· Added: Right mouse button (RMB) as modifier of virtual buttons. It allows to define additional mouse-only buttons (for example RMB + wheel, RMB + LMB)
· Added: Second virtual action modifier. Now it is possible to define an action which require two modifiers (for example CTRL + SHIFT + TAB switches to the previous tab in Mozilla Firefox)
· Added: Executable program name for dedicated action
· Fixed: minor bugfixes
· Updated: help updated

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