Jihosoft Eraser 2.1

pagal | 2017 02 11

„Jihosoft Eraser“ – šios išvaizdžios programos pagalba galėsite ištrinti failus/katalogus/kietojo disko skirsnius pasitelkiant 5 saugumo lygius (žemą, vidutinį, aukštą, aukštesnį, aukščiausią) taip, jog niekas negalėtų jų niekada atkurti.


Jihosoft-Eraser_1Delete important files, or wipe entire hard drives, and prevent the data from being recovered, with this easy-to-use application

Files that have been removed using regular means can normally be recovered quite easily, especially if you act quickly. If you don’t want them to be retrieved, however, this is not exactly ideal.

Jihosoft Eraser is an intuitive program that can help you ensure the files you delete are gone forever, by overwriting the data using multiple deletion methods. It can also wipe entire drives, and it is very easy to use.

Permanently delete important files

The program enables you to erase both individual files or entire folders, and the process is very straightforward. You only need to add the items and select the desired deletion method, depending on how sure you want to be they cannot be recovered.

Jihosoft Eraser offers a total of five security levels to choose from, making possible to overwrite data for up to 32 times before deletion. Naturally, the more advanced methods will also be more time-consuming.

Wipe whole drives and overwrite already deleted files

If you want to sell a hard drive or give it to a friend, it may be a good idea to completely erase its contents before doing so. This application can help you out in this scenario, and you can specify whether the MFT and change journal should also be cleared.

Files that have already been deleted can also be overwritten, and the program offers you the option of overwriting the slack space of existing files to get rid of old file fragments.

Novice-friendly app that cannot be integrated into the context menu

While the application does its job very well, it would have been great if there was an option to integrate its functions into the right-click context menu.

On the whole, however, Jihosoft Eraser is a handy utility that can help you delete critical files securely, ensuring the data will not be recovered in the future. It is very easy to use, but it does not support context menu integration.

Atsisiųsti ( 2 MB/ Windows OS )


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