GetFoldersize 3.1.14

pagal | 2016 12 04

„GetFoldersize“- patogi programa padėsianti patikrinti kiekvieno failo ar aplanko užimamą vietą kietajame diske (B/KB/MB/GB). Programa padalinta į du langus, tad naršyti po kietąjį diską bus paprasčiau,o užimamos vietos statistiką galėsite atsispausdinti ar eksportuoti į TXT arba CSV formatą.


Check the size of folders and subfolders on your hard drive and search for items that occupy important storage space by applying filters

GetFoldersize is a lightweight software application whose purpose is to help you determine the size of your folders and subfolders on your hard drive.

User interface

It comes packed with a handy set of features but the layout may seem a bit overwhelming and crowded at a first glance. However, the program puts at your disposal several buttons for helping you hide some elements from the user interface, so you clean up the work space and focus only on the features that are useful for you.

Scanning operations

GetFoldersize gives you the possibility to create lists with the largest files, hard links, and junctions, and view information about each folder, subfolder, and document, such as name, size, percent, and others.

What’s more, you can pause or stop the scanning process, perform search operations, rescan the selected folder, remove all source folders from the list, print or export data to TXT or CSV file format, and select the measurement unit (e.g. bytes, kilobytes, megabytes).

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