Fresh Diagnose 8.59

pagal | 2011 12 03

Nemokama programa, skirta testuoti ir įvertinti jūsų kompiuterį, jo papildomas dalis. Po nuodugnaus patikrinimo programa parodys visapusišką informaciją apie Jūsų įrenginio sudedamąsias dalis, tinklo būklę, suinstaliuotas programas. „Fresh Diagnose“ gali testuoti praktiškai bet kokią kompiuterio „hardware“ dalį – procesorių, kietąjį diską, vaizdo plokštę, pagrindinę plokštę ir t.t. Be to, programa palygins Jūsų įrenginį su kitais kompiuteriais ir parodys, kurios kompiuterio funkcijos yra silpnos.


Analyzes and benchmarks different kinds of hardware, such as CPU performance

Fresh Diagnose is a complete and comprehensive tool for diagnosing and benchmarking your computer. It supplies many informations about both hardware and software system of your computer, its multimedia system, devices installed in it, and its resources.

Also included, several benchmark tests to find out really, reliably, and exactly the capability indexes of your hardwares. It also supports printing and saving in multiple format : plain-text, HTML, RTF and DOC.

Fresh Diagnose analyzes and benchmarks different kinds of hardware, such as CPU performance, hard disk performance, video system information, motherboard information and much more.

Here are some key features of „Fresh Diagnose“:

· System Information: Scanning your system and give a complete report about your computer’s hardware and software, for examples: mainboard information, video system information, PCI/AGP buses information, peripheral (keyboard, mouse, printer, etc.) information, network information.
· System Benchmarks: Testing your system performance, such as CPU, hard disk, CD/DVD ROM, and compare it with other systems.


· Fresh Diagnose is FREE for personal/private use only
· Free registration is required if you want to use it longer than 11 days
· Benchmarks are disabled until registration is completed

What’s New in This Release:

· Update monitor database.

Atsisiųsti ( 2.1 MB / Windows OS )

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Reitingas: 9.0/10 (1 balsas)
Fresh Diagnose 8.59, 9.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating
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