Free File Shredder 7.8.2

pagal | 2015 07 11

„Free File Shredder“ programa skirta saugiam failų ištrynimui, kurių nebegalėsite atkurti. Programa naudoja DoD 5220.22-M ir Gutmann’s method algoritmus, kurie garantuoja saugų duomenų pašalinimą iš kompiuterio.


Free File Shredder is a handy and reliable program designed to securely erase files and entire directories to the point where the data is not recoverable anymore.

Free File Shredder features three different modules to delete information:
· A quick one (which overwrites the files with pseudorandom data)
· Secure deletion in accordance with DoD 5220.22-M
· Secure deletion via Gutmann’s method – very efficient, but slow

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