File Hider/Unhider 1.4.5

pagal | 2013 12 18

File Hider/Unhider screenshot 1 - File Hider/Unhider allows you to browse folders and files on  your computer, even the hidden ones.

„File Hider/Unhider“ įrankis Jums pravers jeigu norite pamatyti prarastus ar paslėptus failus/katalogus iš kietojo disko ar USB atmintinių. Ji leis ne tik juos peržiūrėti ar uždėti atributus, bet ir saugiai pašalinti iš kompiuterio.


A useful, handy and easy-to-use application worth having when you need to reveal hidden or lost files from your directories or USB devices

File Hider/Unhider is a simple, useful and practical software utility that will reveal all the hidden or lost files.

These kinds of files are sometimes presented on USB devices, but when it is opened, nothing appears, saying the device is empty. With the help of File Hider/Unhider you have the possibility to reveal these files.

The main window of the application is very simply. All you have to do is to select the directory or the USB device you want and apply the specific attributes.

Note: In order to access all the features, you need to send an e-mail and get the unlocking code.

Atsisiųsti ( 351 KB / Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8 64 bit )

File Hider/Unhider screenshot 2 - When right-clicking on a folder or file you can delete them directly or truncate them until data is null.

File Hider/Unhider screenshot 3 - Accessing File Attributes window you can change the visibility of a folder or make a file read-only.

File Hider/Unhider screenshot 4 - From the menu of File Hider/Unhider you can directly access predefined folders on your computer.

VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
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