pagal | 2015 07 21

„DUMo“ programos pagalba galėsite atsinaujinti kompiuterio tvarkykles vieno mygtuko paspaudimu. Programoje taip pat pateikiamas procesoriaus ir operatyvios atminties apkrovos grafikas.


A user-friendly and intuitive software solution that can help you get details about the drivers currently installed on your computer

f you want to make sure your hardware components will not crash down while you are working on your PC, you need to check their drivers and ensure that you have their latest editions installed on your computer. DUMo is a user-friendly application that you can rely on whenever you want to examine the drivers on your PC.

DUMo stands for Drivers Update Monitor and as soon as you run it, it automatically scans the host system and identifies all the installed drivers.

In addition to the device associated to the driver, the application also displays the manufacturer’s name and the complete version number.

Double-clicking an entry takes you to a dedicated webpage where you can view the latest version number of the driver so you can compare it to your own. If your driver is old, you can update it by browsing the web for the latest package and install it on your PC.

Atsisiųsti ( 1.3 MB/ Windows OS )



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