DriveGLEAM 1.09

pagal | 2010 11 09

Programa kuri parodys kietojo disko aktyvumą.


Shows hard-disk activity in the system notification area (tray)

DriveGLEAM is a small tool that shows read / write activity for your hard drives in the system notification area (tray). DriveGLEAM also supports output via parallel port so that you can for example have a red led for write and a green led for read access.

DriveGLEAM can also be handy for system administrators who remotely log in to another computeres desktop. They can easily watch the system notification area (also known as system tray) for any activity on their harddrives.
Finaly DriveGLEAM supports controlling a external LED panel via the PC’s parallel port. A function that especially case-modders would find interesting

Atsisiųsti (316 KB / Windows XP / 2003 / Vista / 2008 / Vista64 / 7 / 7 x64)
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