AMD Overdrive 4.2.6

pagal | 2013 02 14

AMD OverDrive – tai firminė kompanijos aplikacija, kuri pateikia išsamią informaciją apie dabartines procesoriaus, atminties (įskaitant SPD), motininės plokštės, mikroschemų rinkinio, vaizdo plokštės specifikacijas bei darbo režimus.

Vykdomas visų aparatinių komponentų monitoringas (dažniai, temperatūra, įtampos, ventiliatorių sparta), taip pat galima užsiimti spartinimu tiesiai iš operacinės sistemos Windows, keisti dažnius, įtampą, procesoriaus daugiklį, taip pat galybę operatyvios atminties parametrų, reguliuoti ventiliatorių greitį.

Taip pat įdiegtas sistemos stabilumo testas (pastarojo efektyvumas kol kas nelabai žinomas) bei testas paspartintos sistemos greičiau matuoti. Naujokai gali pasinaudoti automatinio spartinimo galimybę, tuo tarpu profesionalai įvertins galimybę pasinaudoti sukurtais profiliais.

Programa AMD OverDrive gali veikti tik tose sistemose, kurios turi šiuos mikroschemų rinkinius: AMD 770, 780G, 785G, 790FX/790GX/790X, 890FX/890G//890GX, 970, 990FX/990X, A75, A85X. Taip pat palaikoma dauguma šiuolaikinių procesorių: AMD Athlon II X4, AMD FX serija 4000/6000/8000, AMD APU Fusion šeima (A4/A6/A8/A10, C/G/E/Z), taip pat APU A6/A8 Black Edition. (Šaltinis


Maximize the capability, flexibility, and adjustability of the AMD chipset products

The AMD OverDrive application was designed to be a utility the provides the ability to maximize the capability, flexibility, and adjustability of the AMD chipset products.

It allows user to tune parameters to ensure system stability, optimize performance, and control cooling/acoustic characteristics. Our target is to provide an all-in-one utility which can deliver all-around stellar operation.

AMD OverDrive utility supports the following chipset models:
· AMD Hudson-D3
· AMD 990FX
· AMD 990X
· AMD 970
· AMD 890FX
· AMD 890GX
· AMD 890G
· AMD 790FX
· AMD 790GX
· AMD 790X
· AMD 785G
· AMD 780G
· AMD 770

AMD OverDrive utility is not compatible with the following chipset models:
· AMD 780V
· AMD 760G
· AMD 740G
· Previous AMD Chipset models (e.g. 690G or 580X) or non-AMD Chipsets

AMD Black Edition Memory Profile – feature is available with the following, validated memory modules:
· Corsair CMD4GX3M2B1600C8 965BE (C2), 955BE, 720BE
· Corsair CM3X2G1600C6GT 965BE (C2), 955BE, 720BE
· Corsair CMG4GX3M2A1600C6 965BE (C2), 955BE, 720BE
· Corsair CMG4GX3M2B1600C7 965BE (C2), 955BE, 720BE
· Mushkin 996657 965BE (C2), 955BE
· Mushkin 996601 965BE (C2), 955BE
· OCZ OCZ3BE1600LV2G 965BE (C3), 955BE
· OCZ OCZ3BE1600C8LV2G 965BE (C3&C2), 955BE
· Patriot PGS34G1600LLKA 965BE (C3&C2), 955BE
· Patriot PGS34G1600ELKA 965BE (C3&C2), 955BE
· Patriot PGS34G1333LLKA 965BE (C3&C2), 955BE
· Patriot PGS34G1333ELKA 965BE (C3&C2), 955BE

In addition the system must meet the following requirements in order to enable the Black Edition Memory Profile feature:
790FX, 790GX or 790X AM3 motherboard with BEMP compatible BIOS revision
AMD Phenom II AM3 Black Edition CPU

Here are some key features of „AMD Overdrive“:

Maximum control for massive headroom:
· Personalize your experience with state-of-the-art real-time overclocking. Used by world record setting overclockers across the globe, AMD OverDrive gives you unprecedented control over your processor, memory and chipset to push the performance envelope further than ever before.

AMD Black Edition Memory Profiles:
· Achieve optimum high speed DDR3 performance with pre-tuned memory profiles. Open up bandwidth and overclock your memory for even more performance.

AMD Smart Profiles:
· Tune performance when you run the applications you use most. Set optimum affinity and performance based on our default profiles or customize your own.

Customizable AutoClock:
· More options for experienced users to automatically tune their PC

Fan Control:
· Enhanced support for monitoring your PC and taking control

Custom performance for novice and enthusiast users:
· Overclocking made easy – Novice and beginner users need not be intimidated. AMD OverDrive provides a simple performance slider and even a single-click performance tuning option.
· Take command of performance – Get ultimate control at your fingertips. AMD OverDrive exposes all controls so enthusiast PC users can monitor and modify performance settings to achieve extreme performance.

Integrated system test and monitoring:
· Insight to monitor your system settings – Keep up with what is happening in your PC. AMD OverDrive lets you monitor all your performance settings including clock memory, voltage and memory timing.
· Advanced stability tests to ensure your PC runs smoothly – Monitoring system stability has never been easier. AMD OverDrive utilizes multi threaded CPU tests to ensure overall system stability so you can focus on your game.


· AMD CPU and a compatible AMD Chipset motherboard

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