AMD Driver Autodetect

pagal | 2018 01 17

„AMD Driver Autodetect“- įrankis, kuris automatiškai aptiks ir pasiūlys atnaujinti tvarkykles AMD vaizdo plokščių turėtojams. Pastaba: atnaujinimui reikalingas interneto ryšys.


AMD-Driver-Autodetect_1A simple, yet efficient application that aims to find and downloads the most recent drivers for your AMD video card, installing the new versions in seconds

AMD Driver Autodetect is a straightforward, yet efficient application designed to detect drivers for your AMD video card, as well as to download and install new updates on the spot.

Typically, you can update your drivers using the Windows built-in function, but the operation doesn’t always lead to the best results. It is always best to search for new drivers on the website of the producing company, although this is somewhat a tedious task.

If you’d rather spend your time on something else other than manually finding drivers, AMD Driver Autodetect is the perfect asset. It automatically searches for updates, downloads and installs them in a one-click operation.

Note that the program is able to identify drivers for AMD graphic cards exclusively and will return an error if you launch it from a system equipped with different hardware.

Taking into account that the application doesn’t need deployment, you will get acquainted with the program’s interface right away. The OS and the AMD graphics card model will be detected immediately after the first launch, at which point the search process begins.

If an update has been identified, you will be able to spot it inside the main window; as soon as you press the ‘Download Now’ button, the program will initiate the transfer, followed by the installation process. Also, you can limit the download speed using the dedicated dropdown menu.

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