Aero OneClean 1.0

pagal | 2014 03 29

Aero OneClean screenshot 1 - Aero OneClean will automatically clean your pc from obsolete files each time you run it.

Su „Aero OneClean“ pagalba galėsite ištrinti nebereikalingus failus iš kietojo disko (tmp, config.msi, bootex.log ir kt.), kurie atsirado į/išdieginėjant programas/žaidimus bei naršant internete (past. tik iš „Internet Explorer“ naršyklės).


A small and simple-to-configure removal tool for erasing unwanted files from your computer with one quick click, such as temporary files and folders and config.msi items

Aero OneClean is a lightweight software application whose purpose is to help you clean several unnecessary items from your computer that eat up space and slow down your computer performance, namely temporary files and folders, config.msi items, MSOcache folder, and other files.

Intuitive layout

You are welcomed by a clean feature lineup that allows you to carry out most operations with minimal effort. All the settings can be configured from a single panel, so it proves to be pretty easily to tweak the dedicated parameters.

Deletion operations

Before triggering the cleaning process the tool asks you to set up several useful functions. Aero OneClean gives you the possibility to select the files and folders that you want to delete.

Apart from the aforementioned deletion options, you are allowed to remove log and temporary files, service pack uninstall information, Windows update uninstall traces, bootex.log files, data stored within the Recycle Bin, as well as temporary Internet files.

Atsisiųsti ( 627 KB / Windows XP / Vista / 7 )

Aero OneClean screenshot 2 - From this window you can adjust various settings of the application.


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