Advanced Disk Cleaner 6.0

pagal | 2013 06 08

Advanced Disk Cleaner screenshot 1 - With the help of Advanced Disk Cleaner you are able to remove temporary and garbage files

„Advanced Disk Cleaner „- tai vienas iš daugelio sistemos valymo įrankių nuo susikaupusių laikinųjų failų- šiukšlių. Taip pat su šia programa galėsite iš internetinių naršyklių ištrinti svetainių lankymosi istoriją, sausainėlius („cookies“) ar kitus nustatymus. Jeigu norite, kad programa įsijungtų kas dieną/savaitę/mėnesį Jūsų nurodytu laiku- „Options“ skiltyje pažymėkite funkciją „Sheduler is“ į padėtį „ON“ ir nusistatykite laiką.


Give your computer’s disks a thorough clean-up with this disk cleaner

Advanced Disk Cleaner is an application created to help users erase unnecessary files and free up space on the local disks.

There are only a few settings to play with and this can be only good news for beginners, but there are a few drawbacks too.

First of all, the intuitive design of the interface lets you perform a search with just one click, with Advanced Disk Cleaner checking all disks on your computer.

Once the process comes to an end, you can simply select the items to be removed and hit the “Clean” button.

The real problem however is that the program doesn’t allow the user to pick which type of file he/she wishes to search for, so you can’t for example remove temporary files exclusively. In fact, Advanced Disk Cleaner doesn’t even mention which files it scans for and the available documentation is just basic.

You can however define the file extensions you want to look for in the settings menu, but also configure the excluded folder and the cleaning process. There are separate options to clean files by deleting them to Recycle Bin, by moving them to a folder or by deleting them completely.

Advanced Disk Cleaner screenshot 2 - The main window of Advanced Disk Cleaner enables you to select the partition you want to scan

Advanced Disk Cleaner screenshot 3 - By using Advanced Disk Cleaner you can quickly find and wipe away all the garbage files on your computer

Advanced Disk Cleaner screenshot 4 - From the Options window you have the possibility to select the run type and schedule scan actions

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