Abakt 0.9.5 Build 333

pagal | 2012 12 28

Turėti įsirašius atsarginę duomenų kopiją yra visada pravartu. Juk netyčia ištrynus mums reikalingus failus galėsime lengvai juos bet kada susigrąžinti. Atsisiuntus šią programą galėsite kurti atsargines duomenų kopijas su daugybe filtravimo ir derinimo galimybių.


A useful backup software

Abakt is a versatile, yet easy to use backup-application for Windows.

Files and directories to backup are selected using a combination of advanced filters.

Filters – Use wildcards, sets and other advanced masks to select files to backup. You can filter by attribute, size or modification date.

Backup – Besides creating a standard PKZIP archive, you can call other compression tools (like 7-Zip) to create backups.
Also, it is possible to simply copy, move or delete the selected files.

Automation – Abakt accepts commandline arguments.
Use the commandline options to feed a Task Scheduler, or in your batch scripts.

What’s New in This Release:

· This is very likely the last release of Abakt written in C .
· Some very small bugs may be fixed in the future. New features will not be added.
· Users of 7-Zip 4.42 should uncheck ‘Preferences/Action/Convert filenames in @listfile to OEM’.

VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
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