360 Advantage 1.3

pagal | 2010 10 23

Su šia programa galėsite paleisti Xbox žaidimus.


An Xbox 360 controller emulator

360 Advantage is a useful application that was created in order to present you with a simple emulator for Xbox 360. It will allow you to use your Xbox 360 controller on your computer to get the full advantage of a Xbox 360 controller.

Use it to play games, surf the Internet, browse your computer, and much more!

Here are some key features of „360 Advantage“:

· Use your 360 controller on your computer!
· 360 Advanatge could be used in most, if not all computer games!
· Game profiles, which will allow you to switch between different control combos and the ability to share your control combo!
· Easy and fast to use!
· Control your mouse and keyboard with your 360 controller!
· Updated frequently!

Atsisiųsti (578 KB / Windows XP / Vista / 7)

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