RobLock 1.3

pagal | 2011 09 08


Puiki programa Jūsų telefono apsaugai.
Išsiunčia pranešimą nustatytu nr, su naujai įdetos kortelės numeriu.
Ištrina kontaktus iš pamesto/pavogto telefono.
Galite surasti savo telefoną net be gps įrenginio pagal gprs.
Nuotolinis viso prietaiso valymas.
Nuotolinis užblokavimas, alarmo ijungimas.
Lengvas įdiegimas, valdymas.



Getting anything stolen is not a pleasant experience, but when it’s your phone the theft can be costly not just in terms of the device itself, but also the information stored on it.

Imagine there was a way of not only finding out who’s got your phone, but also being able to access your personal data stored on it remotely. Imagine no longer because RobLock is here to save the day.

This smart application sends an alert to a ‘trusted’ number (i.e. a phone belonging to a friend or family member) to let you know when…

VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
Reitingas: 9.5/10 (2 balsų)
RobLock 1.3 , 9.5 out of 10 based on 2 ratings
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