Zeta Uploader

pagal | 2012 10 29

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.NET Framework 2.0


Send large files with ease

Zeta Uploader is a freeware Windows tool that allows you to send large files by mail with minimum effort.

The idea behind the program is pretty simple: users are only required to choose the files to upload, define the receiver emails, input a message and that’s all.

Zeta Uploader automatically uploads the files to its servers and then sends a mail to the selected recipients, with a download link included in the body.

A very good thing about the program is that it doesn’t require an account, as it automatically creates one when you launch it for the first time.

What’s more, you can protect files with a password, enable notifications for every file download and even set expiration dates for each uploaded item.

Last but not least, Zeta Uploader comes with shell integration, placing an entry in the “Send To” menu to easily upload a file on the go.

The footprint on system performance is minimal, but a faster Internet connection can make the whole uploading process much faster. You can upload files with a maximum size of 500MB, with higher volumes available if you agree to pay for a business license.

All things considered, it’s pretty clear that Zeta Uploader is one innovative piece of software. The great pack of features it provides can be safely used by both beginners and those more experienced, while the app remains very friendly with system resources all the time.

It runs smoothly on all Windows versions and comes with Windows Explorer integration for a seamless uploading process.


· Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0

Atsisiųsti (1.5 MB / Windows 2K / XP / 2003 / Vista / 7 )


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