Wireless Wizard 6.6

pagal | 2017 02 10


„Wireless Wizard“- belaidžio ryšio (WiFi, 2G, 3G ir 4G)  skenavimo ir nustatymo įrankis užtikrins maksimalią prisijungimo prie įrenginių kokybę.


Scan for wireless networks and improve their performance, monitor the spectrum analyzer, and perform bandwidth tests using this practical app

Wireless Wizard is a handy and reliable software designed to diagnose and fix connectivity issues for WiFi, 2G, 3G and 4G connections with minimal effort on the user side.

Wireless Wizard is recommended in scenarios that involve severe downtimes for WiFi networks, as well as IP address related issues that can’t be solved by the hand of a beginner, providing a comfortable, one-click resolution for all of these.

Aside from being able to troubleshoot common network problems, Wireless Wizard is also able to measure network performance, bandwidth parameters and to improve the overall behavior of the connection by constantly querying it to check if it’s alive.

Wireless Wizard sports a simple, yet user-friendly GUI that displays the name of your Internet provider and the network you’re connected to by default. Lower in the main window, you’ll find the last identified status for your connection, which changes colors as it migrates from good to bad or viceversa.

A couple of quick links allow you to initiate a connection test (which will also fix network related problems), to run a bandwidth test or to start the spectrum analyzer (available only for WiFi connections).

A network test involves a series of pings that checks the connectivity level of your network, while the Net Rank runs a quick assessment on the quality of your connection, evaluating parameters such as bandwidth, latency, jitter, ping loss and security.

Other highlights include the possibility to fetch information related to your network, as well as an IP configuration retriever (equivalent with CMD’s ipconfig /all) and an extensive bandwidth test.

Atsisiųsti ( 2.9 MB/ Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 )


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