WiFi2Hotspot 1.1

pagal | 2017 10 03

„WiFi2Hotspot“- įrankis, kurio pagalba galėsite sukurti belaidžio ryšio prieigos tašką (angl. „WiFi Hotspot“) ir dalintis internetu su aplinkiniais įrenginiais. Nuo svetimų prisijungimų, belaidžio ryšio prieigos tašką galėsite apsaugoti slaptažodžiu.


WiFi2Hotspot_1Easily create a wireless Internet connection, based on an existing one and assign it the name, password that you wish, with this tool

WiFi2Hotspot is a simple to use application that allows you to create an Internet connection that you can share via WiFi with other devices. The program is lightweight, easy to use and allows you to share one of the existing connections via WiFi with any of the supported devices.

Quick steps in setting up your virtual WiFi

Creating a virtual wireless Internet connection with WiFi2Hotspot is easy and does not require extensive knowledge in the field. All you need to do is provide the name and password for the newly created connection, then follow the steps described in the program’s interface.

WiFi2Hotspot can be used with laptops, tablets or any other compatible device that features an integrated WiFi adapter. It can also be run on desktops, however, in such cases, an external adapter is required. After providing the name and password, you need to simply click the Create Virtual WiFi button. The new hotspot features WPA2-PSK encryption.

Internet sharing tool

Once the setup is finished, the hotspot should be visible in the Network and Sharing Center in Control Panel. Activate (Start) the connection from the designated tab then access the Control Panel page via the shortcut in WiFi2Hotspot’s interface.

The next step, also described in the program’s interface, implies sharing the access to Internet between the newly created hotspot and the main connection on your computer. The red “X” symbol accompanying the hotspot’s icon is hidden the moment your connection becomes available.

Atsisiųsti ( 1.4 MB/ Windows 7 / 8 / 10 )


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