Weblock for Kids

pagal | 2012 04 30

Kartais atsitinka, jog mūsų vaikai norėdami ar nenorėdami patenka į tokius puslapius, kurie yra apkrėsti virusais arba juose demonstruojamas nepilnamečiams neskirtas turinys. Nenorėdami jog jie ten patektų atsisiųskimę šią programą. Jos dėka galėsime nustatyti į kokius puslapius galės patekti mūsų mažieji.


Weblock for kids is a parental control application, which allows browsing only custom approved websites by parents. It can be easily implemented to apply browsing restrictions on children, so that you can customize your child’s homepage with the included artwork, defined colors or even your own images. Furthermore, you can prevent access to your computer and other programs by password protecting browsing, and for exiting the “Kid Mode”, which limits browsing sessions.

Weblock is basically a browser with parental control features integrated in it. It provides a customizable home screen with speed dial for displaying important websites for your kids.


VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
Reitingas: 2.0/10 (1 balsas)
Weblock for Kids, 2.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating
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