WeatherInfo 2.2.4655.37540

pagal | 2012 10 31

Programa skirta stebėti orų prognozę. Joje galėsite matyti: temperatūrą, vėją, oro drėgnumą, vėjo greitį ir kt.

NET Framework 4.0


Download weather information for a selected location.

WeatherInfo is a small, easy to use weather data software. You choose a location and you’ll get the current conditions and a five days forecast.

The location is built in three steps: you must choose a country, a list of cities will appear and after you select the desired city a list of weather stations show up. When the station is chosen you must push the „Set location“ button and wait for data to be downloaded.

The current temperature will be displayed as a tray icon with customizable font and colors. You can use metric or imperial units. Various weather stations will display different set of data or can be temporarily unavailable, if you’re not satisfied try another location.

Here are some key features of „WeatherInfo“:

· Five-day weather prediction
· Provides weather station info
· Lets you choose the update interval
· Cool emoticons to illustrate the weather


· Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

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