V-Radio Portable 2.2.1

pagal | 2012 02 11

Turbūt norėtumėte klausytis savo mėgstamiausių radijo stočių internetu tiesiai iš darbalaukio? Tai šis įrankis kaip tik Jums. Galėsite nestabdomai ir nevaržomai klausytis viso pasaulio daugiau nei 200 radijo transliacijų nemokamai.


Windows Media Player 9
Microsoft .Net Framework 4


The ultimate Internet Radio Streaming Player

V-Radio Portable is a small and easy to use application that allows you to play your favorite radio stations.

V-Radio will enable you to add channels to favorites and browse a rich list of radio streams.

Here are some key features of „V-Radio Portable“:

· Add and listen to any radio station you want
· Unique, easy to use interface.
· Listen to over 200 stations from Greece, France, United Kingdom and more! (Already included)
· Select your favorite stations and have one-click access to them!
· Track down your usage statistics: Playtime, Stations played, etc.


· Windows Media Player 9 or later
· Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0

What’s New in This Release:

· Search Pane: Find the station you want with ease
· History Pane: View the most recent played stations and re-play them with one click
· Added the Update Radiolist feature on Options
· Updated Favorites and Radiolists Pane
· Minor changes and fixes

Atsisiųsti ( 1.7 MB / Windows OS )



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