SoundCleod 1.3.0

pagal | 2017 09 29

„SoundCleod“ – minimalistinė programa, kurios dėka galėsite klausyti savo mėgstamiausių dainų iš internetinės SoundCloud tarnybos net neatidarę naršyklės.


soundcleod_1Listen to your favorite music on Soundcloud without having to use a web browser with the help of this ultra-minimalist application

If you are a music aficionado and expanding your general music knowledge as well as discovering new types of music are some of your biggest interests, then you surely already know all about SoundCloud.

This said, while using your computer, you can listen to SoundCloud using any modern web browser. Suppose that you want a less distracting environment for SoundCloud, then it is clear that you should be turning to a SoundCloud client or player.

‘Remove’ SoundCloud from your web browser and bring it directly to your computer’s desktop

SoundCleod is an uber-simplistic piece of software that acts as an unofficial SoundCloud client as it allows you to get the most of this service directly from your computer’s desktop, without having to use a web browser.

The application can be deployed in just a couple of seconds thanks to a streamlined installer. As expected, upon first launching the app, you are met by the default SoundCloud login screen where, evidently, you are required to input either your official SoundCloud or Facebook credentials.


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