SEO Rank Checker

pagal | 2011 02 16

Su šia programa sužinosite kurioje paieškos puslapio vietoje yra Jūsų norima svetainė pagal nurodytus raktažodžius.


Check for ranks in Google search with this utility.

SEO Rank Checker is a small, simple, application specially designed to help you find out your rank in organic Google search results for certain keywords.

Things are kept as easy as posible: you just enter the keyword and website and just let this tool searck for the ranking.

Atsisiųsti ( 140 KB / Windows OS )
VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
Reitingas: 0.0/10 (0 balsų)
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1 komentaras

  1. seo optimizacija

    Geras dalykas, tik kolkas nepavyko atrasti .lt sistemoje Gerai veikiančios programos.

    VA:F [1.9.13_1145]
    Įvertinimas: 0.0/5 (0 balsų)

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