POP Peeper 3.7

pagal | 2011 05 27

Nusibodo pastoviai tikrinti Gmail arba Yahoo pašto dėžutę ar neatėjo nauji laiškai? Už mus padarys POP Peeper. Ši nedidukė programėlė praneš mums, kai gausime naują paštą.



Will alert you when you have new email on any of your POP3, Hotmail, MSN, Yahoo etc accounts

POP Peeper is an email notifier that runs in your Windows task bar and alerts you when you have new email on any of your POP3, Hotmail, MSN, Yahoo, Mail.com, MyWay, Excite, Lycos.com, or RediffMail accounts.

You can also use POP Peeper to read and delete your email.

POP Peeper supports HTML email, so you can see your email the same way as you would in your email client.

Several options are available that will decrease or eliminate the risks of reading your email (viruses, javascript, webbugs, etc).

If you share your computer, you can password-protect your accounts or password-protect access to POP Peeper.

Using POP Peeper, you can quickly scan what messages are important enough to read, and which ones you want to delete without even opening your email client.

POP Peeper does not provide any reply options or spam filtering like some others, however if mail notification is your main reason, than this is a great little tool that works fast and efficient.

Here are some key features of „POP Peeper“:

· Easy Setup – accounts are imported from your existing email client(s)
· Supports POP3, IMAP (including AOL, AIM, Netscape, FastMail, etc), SMTP, GMail, HotmailMSNLiveMail, Yahoo, Mail.com, MyWay, Excite, Lycos.com, RediffMail, Juno, NetZero
· IDLE is supported for IMAP accounts which allows instant notification when new mail arrives in your mailbox
· Read, delete, print and reply to Email without opening your email client
· Send Email directly from POP Peeper
· HTML Email Support
· Password Protection
· Address book
· Options to protect you from messages that contain viruses and web bugs
· Send, Save and Open file attachments
· Run POP Peeper off your portable device
· No account limit — notifies you of an unlimited number of accounts
· Many ways to receive new mail notification: skinnable desktop alerts, audio, flashing Scroll Lock LED and more
· Specify different intervals for each account
· Extensive Help with useful tips and information
· Email Notification Options
· Sound notifications: single sound for any new mail, or a customized sound for each account
· Tray icon notification, with options to display the color and number of new messages for each account
· Flashing scroll lock LED
· Windows popup alert indicating which account(s) received new email
· Automatically open POP Peeper or launch your email client
· Skinnable popup (optional download)
· ScreenSaver (optional download)
· Chime can repeat a sound until acknowledged andor launch another program when new mail arrives (optional download)
· Additional Notification Plugins may be available

What’s New in This Release:

· Additional version information presented in webpage when using „download“ button
· Option to flash NumLock LED for new message indicator
· Option to open URLs in new browser window added in v3.6 (PPTweaker)
· Option to define the number of consecutive errors that causes error tray icon (PPTweaker)
· Option to prevent attachments from being included in the saved .eml file for sent messages (PPTweaker)
· Enhancement to Ini Manager allows add and delete (run: poppeeper.exe -ini)
· Automatic ini backup to prevent loss of data when ini file is corrupted
· Error popup if email client cannot be run (Windows 7 does not provide a default email client)
· Run Client for multiple accounts with new mail will open each account’s *unique* client
· SMTP: includes headers for In-Reply-To and References
· HtmlRef.dat file updated to include additional Greek characters
· Logic for retrieving auto-update info has changed to lighten load on web server
· Fix: Occasional crash under certain conditions when using accou…

VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
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