NVU 1.0

pagal | 2011 12 03

Ypač patogus ir galingas įrankis vizualiam HTML puslapių kūrimui, tinkantis tiek pradedantiesiems (nėra būtina žinoti HTML, turi vizualias priemones), tiek profesionalams (turi patogų tiesioginio HTML redagavimo komponentą)
Daugelį objektų savybių galima keisti vizualiai. Patogus darbas su kadrais, formomis, lentelėmis, šablonais, „JavaScript“, yra CSS redaktorius ir t.t. Nesunkiai galima išplėsti – t.y. pridėti papildomų komponentų (pvz datos/laiko arba kalendoriaus elementus, kuriuos paskui galėsite įdėti į kuriamus puslapius vieno klavišo paspaudimu).
NVU yra sukurtas Gecko ir Mozilla Composer pagrindu.


A web development system, that allows visual (WYSIWYG) editing of web pages, as well as code editing

NVU is a complete Web Authoring System to rival programs like FrontPage and Dreamweaver.

Nvu (pronounced N-view, for a „new view“) makes managing a web site easy as 1-2-3

Now anyone can create web pages and manage a website with no technical expertise or knowledge of HTML.

Nvu is based on Gecko, the layout engine inside Mozilla; it’s a super-fast, very reliable, standards conformant engine maintained on a daily basis by a wide community of developers.

Its remarkable support of XML, CSS and JavaScript offers the best authoring platform on the market. Its architecture based on XUL makes it the most extensible editing tool ever.

Just like Mozilla Firebird or Mozilla Thunderbird, respectively the new browser and the new mail user agent by Mozilla.org, Nvu is a standalone tool.

It means it runs independently of any other Gecko-based tool and does not contain the other applications from the Mozilla Application Suite. Hence its small size and fast speed.

It offers a tabbed interface with quick access to frequently used tags, (Mozilla) browser preview and multiple wizards to create commonly used page elements.

It provides an easy to use environment for beginners, as well as more advanced users, however lacks more professional features like syntax coloring, scripting support and others.

Does not include any documentation.

VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
Reitingas: 10.0/10 (1 balsas)
NVU 1.0, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating
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