music2pc 2.11 Build 208

pagal | 2011 12 30

Programos pagalba galėsite rasti bei parsisiųsti savo mėgstamą muziką į kompiuterį visiškai nemokamai.  Programa naudotis visiškai paprasta, kadangi ji nėra apkrauta daugybė mums reikalingų funkcijų, viskas susikoncentruota ties muzikos paieška ir atsisiuntimu. Interneto greitis ir atsisiuntimų skaičius programoje neribojamas. Duomenų bazėje yra daugiau nei 100 milijonų muzikos įrašų!


Search and download your favorite MP3s among 100 million tracks with one click

music2pc is designed to be an accessible and easy-to-use MP3 downloader.

The program offers you the ultimate access to a multimillion database of quality songs using safe, non-bittorrent and non-peer-to-peer method of getting MP3s.

The downloaded MP3 file can be played by any MP3 player, including iPad, iPhone, cell phone, PSP, iPod, etc. So, enjoy music at home or on the road.

Here are some key features of „music2pc“:

· download over 100 million MP3 songs with unmatchable speed, best output quality
· safe, non-bittorrent and non-peer-to-peer sharing method
· find any music easily, only with the song title, artist name, album or edition
· safe to install and run, no malware, no ads, no viruses
· the hugest selection of publicly available tracks
· search the live, piano, guitar or cover versions of your favorite songs
· compatible with all portable devices: iPad, iPhone, PSP, cell phone, MP3 player etc.
· multi-thread downloading, download multiple songs at the same time
· download the hottest songs across all genres, from electronic to religious, mainstream to indie, hip-hop to classical, etc.
· simple and intuitive interface ensures you to easily get any music you want

Atsisiųsti ( 1.9 MB / Windows OS )

VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
Reitingas: 10.0/10 (2 balsų)
music2pc 2.11 Build 208, 10.0 out of 10 based on 2 ratings
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