Kamerah 2.0.1

pagal | 2013 11 18

Kamerah screenshot 1 - Kamerah will provide users with a simple webcam recording utility that comes with various video configuration options

Įrašykite bet kokį vaizdą su internetine kamera naudojantis „Kamerah“ programa. Programoje galėsite nustatyti filmavimo raišką, kokybę, šviesumą, kontrastą, baltos spalvos balansą ir kitus parametrus.


A simple webcam recording utility that comes with various video configuration options, enabling you to generate high-quality home movies

Kamerah is a software solution for recording live webcam stream, creating your own home videos and saving them to your hard drive.

Kamerah enables you to adjust the video brightness, contrast, sharpness, focus and exposure, the compression type, the file size, the video resolution and other parameters, in order to create high-quality recordings.

Atsisiųsti ( 2.1 MB / Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8 64 bit )


Kamerah screenshot 2 - The Video Compression window will help you quickly and easily choose between numerous compressors

Kamerah screenshot 3 - Users will be able to access option such as resolution, pixel depth or size within the Video Format window

Kamerah screenshot 4

Kamerah screenshot 5

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