
pagal | 2012 02 05

Hamachi programa leidžia sujungti kelis kompiuterius (iki 16 kompiuterių) į vieną virtualų tinklą, taip, lyg jie būtų sujungti į vietinį tinklą (LAN). Taip galėsite žaisti žaidimus palaikančius LAN funkciją internete su draugais. Draugai turės įsidiegti taip pat šią programą.


A networking technology enabling any two computers on the Internet to talk directly to each other

Hamachi is a life-saving solution for all those who struggle to deal with network restrictions, allowing the creation of secure networks over the Internet.

It takes a few seconds to launch for the first time, but only because Hamachi needs to load all the necessary files that are required later to allow you to either connect to an existing network or to create your very own.

The interface is minimal and extremely user friendly. To start ejoying its features you just have to press the Power button at the top of the screen, with Hamachi taking care of the whole network registering process. In other words, it assigns you an IP which allows you to do the aforementioned two things, join or create a network.

The two main functions are displayed in the main window, while the settings menu can be accessed via the options button at the top of the screen. Once you’re part of a network, either as a server or as a client, you can chat with the other members and administer the network by banning clients or create new admins.

Hamachi works surprisingly easy, although it does such a fantastic job. It sits quietly in the System Tray and doesn’t bother you unless you receive a message from another member of the network.

The good thing about Hamachi is that it manages to keep things simple, despite the fact that the application has been designed to perform such an important task. All in all, Hamachi is the right answer to all users who want to create networks over the Internet with their friends, no matter the purpose: gaming, chatting, sharing files or any other activity.

Network Limits:
· Network Capacity: Create or join up to 256 Hamachi networks.
· User Capacity: Each Hamachi network can have up to 50 concurrent users.

· Peer to Peer Chat: Exchange chat messages with both on and off-line Hamachi peers.
· Group Chat: Chat with all online network members at once in a single chat window.

Network Protection:
· Password Protection: Require anyone attempting to join your network to present a valid network password.
· Network Lock: Lock your Hamachi networks to prevent any new members from joining. This preserves all other access control settings.
· Membership Approval: Prevent new members from having full access to your network until manually approved by you or an administrator.

Network Administration:
· Member Eviction: Evict an existing member from your Hamachi network. This revokes their membership, but does not prevent them from re-joining the network.
· Member Ban: Create a list of Hamachi clients (Hamachi IP addresses) that cannot join your networks under any condition.
· Create Administrators: Assign one or more network members to be network administrators, and designate their specific capabilities.
· Network Messages: Set a welcome or announcement messages for each network you own.

Extended Connectivity:
· Low-Bandwidth Relays: Use relays to connect Hamachi clients that cannot, for any reason, establish a direct communication channel. We believe the chances of requiring a relay when using Hamachi is about 5%.

Advanced Features:
· Routed tunneling: In addition to handling traffic between Hamachi clients, Hamachi can be set up to allow remote access to LAN computers that do not or cannot run the Hamachi client.
· Built-in Web Proxy: Peers in your Hamachi networks may configure their Web browsers to access the Internet via your computer and therefore protect their Web traffic. This feature is typically used for securing Web surfing from untrusted locations including cybercafes, coffee houses, hotels, etc.
· Run as a Windows System Service: Run the Hamachi client as a system service. This is typically needed when running Hamachi on servers or in setups involving Windows domain authentication.


· Limited to 16 computers per network

Atsisiųsti ( 3.6 MB / Windows OS )




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Reitingas: 10.0/10 (1 balsas)
Hamachi, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating
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