Fresh Download 8.72

pagal | 2011 10 30

Efektyvus,ir paprastas atsisiuntimų tvarkytuvas leisiantis vienu metu siųstis daugiau nei vieną failą bei laikinai sustabdyti ar pratęsti norimą siuntimą.


An easy to use and efficient download manager

Fresh Download was developed to be a download manager. Fresh Download lets you create multiple connections, pause and resume, integrates with Internet Explorer and more.

Here are some key features of „Fresh Download“:

· Turbo charges downloading files in FTP, HTTP and HTTPS protocols using your current internet connection (dial-up, cable, DSL / ADSL, satellite, T1, etc).
· Pause and resume broken downloads, recovers from a dropped Internet connection.
· Multiple connections download manager. To get the highest possible speed, this powerful tool uses 4 simultaneous connections (up to 8 connections) for the same file, while many other similar software only support single connection download. Based on user reports, this method may speed up your downloads by up to 400%.
· Easy integration into Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape Communicator, Opera, Avant Browser, Crazy Browser, Maxthon / MyIE2, Slim Browser, in any Windows operating system. Simply grabs any URL from these popular browsers and Fresh Download will take over.
· Schedule your downloads for low traffic periods.
· Clipboard monitoring and drag & drop features. Easily grabs any URL from any applications.
· Antivirus support. Scan downloaded files from any viruses using your current antivirus software.
· Ability to download from password protected sites, in both HTTP and FTP protocols.
· Proxy Server support in both HTTP and FTP protocols.
· Plus now it has a built-in Zip file extractor.

Atsisiųsti ( 2 MB / Windows OS )
VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
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