Facebook Blocker 6.0

pagal | 2016 08 04

Užblokuokite/atblokuokite priėjimą prie socialinio tinklo „Facebook“ vieno mygtuko paspaudimu.


Straightforward and clean utility which enables you to block or unblock Facebook on your computer, with just a click of the button

Facebook Blocker is a software application which was built specifically to help people in, as the name hints at, block Facebook on your machine, as well as unblock it.

Simple-to-handle interface

Users should be careful when going through the installation process, as this tool offers you to add a product that you do not necessarily need for its proper functioning. Once you are done with it, you come face to face with a minimal and clean interface, as it only presents a plain main window and a few buttons.

It provides some extensive Help contents online, thus ensuring that all user categories, including those with little or no previous experience, can find their way around it with great ease.

One click status change

This program enables you to block and unblock Facebook on your computer just by simply clicking the “Block Facebook” button. It is important to keep in mind that you might have to restart your web browser so that this operation can take effect.

In addition to this you can view the utility’s status in the main window, so that you can be sure you do not accidentally change it. It does not need any firewall or proxy server setup, and there are no other notable options incorporated.

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