Faceblock 1.0

pagal | 2013 07 07

Faceblock screenshot 1 - The main window of Faceblock enables you to block the access to the Facebook website.

Nedidelė programėlė, kuri leis užblokuoti bet kokią prieigą prie socialinio tinklo „Facebook“  visose interneto naršyklėse.


A simple, yet handy application that can block the Facebook access in all the installed browsers, enabling you to carry on with your work without being distracted

Faceblock is a lightweight and reliable application designed to block the access to the Facebook website for a user-defined period of time.

Faceblock is designed to prevent you from being distracted by Facebook while working. While Faceblock is running, the Facebook website cannot be accessed and you can carry on with your work.

Atsisiųsti ( 1.3 MB / Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8 64 bit )

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