Comodo Dragon

pagal | 2011 09 02

Tai greita ir universali interneto naršyklė. Ši naršyklė pasižymi savo saugumu.


Fast and versatile Internet Browser based on Chromium, infused with Comodo’s unparalleled level of Security!

A Chromium technology-based Browser that offers you all of Chrome‘s features PLUS the unparalleled level of security and privacy you only get from Comodo. Including a greater level of privacy than Chromium technology offers.

Yes, the Internet has grown up. But the sophistication of millions of hackers, scammers, phishers and thieves has grown too. Which all makes Comodo Dragon THE Browser to have in the second decade of the twenty-first century.

The Comodo Dragon has taken the latest Chromium technology and beefed it up in the one way necessary to make it the optimum Browser to use on today’s malware plagued Internet. – Superior Security and Privacy.

All in all, Comodo Dragon will still provide you with the complete features of Chromium, while also enhancing them with Comodo’s security and privacy benefits.

Here are some key features of „Comodo Dragon“:

· Improved Privacy over Chromium
· Easy SSL Certificate Identification
· Fast Website Access
· Greater Stability and Less Memory Bloat
· Incognito Mode Stops Cookies, Improves Privacy
· Very easy to switch from your Browser to the Dragon


· 128 MB RAM
· 40 MB Hard Disk Space

What’s New in This Release:

· Chromium core 13.0.782.218 is used.
· New option to disable showing a warning for low-validation certificate (Options > Under the Hood).

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