Brave Browser 0.64.77

pagal | 2019 05 31

„Brave Browser“ įrankis užblokuos iššokančias ar kitas fone matomas reklamas ir sekimo sausainėlius (angl. Tracking cookie), kurie trukdo jums naršyti. Kaip žinote, kai kuriose svetainėse, juose rodomų reklamų „dėka“ galite pasigauti net virusų, tad šis įrankis jums pravers ne tik kaip apsaugos priemonė, bet ir leis mėgautis greitesniu naršymu.


Brave_16Make your Internet surfing sessions more enjoyable by avoiding annoying ads and intrusive trackers using this appealing and intuitive browser

While it is true that almost all well-known browsers have some sort of popup protection, sometimes you might have the feeling that the creators of these ads are just one step ahead of everyone. Irrespective of whether they have inappropriate content, spam or are simply unnecessary, such ads are a hassle and a nuisance that many users are trying to get rid of.

Brave is a secure browser built on the principle of blocking irritating ads and preventing intrusive trackers from monitoring your activity online.

Comes with a separate platform that replaces ads

The highlight of the application stems from the system it uses to block ads from invading your viewing space. To be more precise, the application substitutes popups with smaller and fewer anonymous advertisements that are placed in fixed locations on the screen.

The direct advantage of eliminating popup ads is that they are being filtered and none of your private data is extracted. Therefore, there is a fair chance that you can notice that the loading speed of the web pages you are accessing increases.

Enables you to surf the web securely

In addition to keeping ads at bay, the browser is also capable of blocking third party trackers and malvertisement effectively. Thanks to the HTTPS Everywhere feature, the data packets you transmit to the accessed website are encrypted, so your private data is safe.


VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
Reitingas: 10.0/10 (1 balsas)
Brave Browser 0.64.77, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating
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