Ashampoo Internet Accelerator Free 2.11

pagal | 2012 01 30

Jeigu nusibodo per mažas interneto greitis, tai ši programa kaip tik Jums. Ši programa pagreitins interneto greitį pakeisdama standartines operacinės sistemos Windows nuostatas. Ką Jums tereiks žinoti, tai kokios rūšies internetu Jūs naudojates. Žinoma, niekas taip nepaspartins interneto greičio kaip interneto ryšio tiekėjas, tačiau jei internetas stringa, tai reiškia jog tikriausiai siunčiantis, įdiegiant ar išdiegiant programas nusistatė kitokie tinklo parametrai nei buvo, dėl to siūlome ne perdiegti OS, o tiesiog išmėginti šį nemokamą įrankį.


Will boost the speed of your internet connection by changing Windows default parameters

If you are looking for a software solution to boost the speed of your Internet connection in a quick and effective manner, you should give a try to Ashampoo Internet Accelerator.

The application has been developed to target beginners and professional users alike, so it offers from the very beginners two different options: adjust automatically, especially addressed to rookies, and edit protocol manually, recommended to more experienced users.

But although it comes with a such a nifty way to let beginners boost their Internet connection, you may still need to know a thing or two about the connection type you are using.

Because going for the automatic mode prompts you to pick from an analog modem, ISDN, DSL (via LAN cable), DSL on wireless LAN (WLAN), other LAN connection (no DSL) or cable modem. If you’re not sure which type of connection you use, have a look in the help file, you may find more info in there.

On the other hand, those who choose the manual mode have to set up multiple parameters, including MTU, RWIN, HTTP connections and TTL. If some of these terms sound like rocket science, you’re either in the wrong place or again, you should take a look on the manual.

Ashampoo Internet Accelerator indeed does a good job when optimizing these settings, both in manual and automatic mode, but don’t expect a significant speed boost unless your Internet connection is able to deliver it.

Overall, Ashampoo Internet Accelerator is one of the best apps of its kind and it’s really worth a try. It’s free, it works on all Windows iterations and needs just a few minutes of your precious time.

Ashampoo Internet Accelerator Free description

Here are some key features of „Ashampoo Internet Accelerator Free“:

· Faster surfing with an analogue modem
· Get more out of your ISDN connection
· Optimise your DSL via LAN cable, cable modem or wireless LAN
· Better configuration of other LAN connections


· Any computer that runs on one of the above operating systems at a reasonable speed.
· Graphic adapter: min. resolution 800 x 600 and 16-bit High Color.
· Required Software: Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later.
· Other: Full administrative rights are required to install and use the program.


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Reitingas: 10.0/10 (1 balsas)
Ashampoo Internet Accelerator Free 2.11, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating
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