Kiekvienas žino populiarųjį nuotraukų redagavimo įrankį „Adobe Photoshop“ – ne veltui tai viena labiausiai pirataujamų programų. Tačiau kam vogti iš „Adobe“, jei galima parsisiųsti ir naudoti nemokamą nuotraukų redagavimo ir tvarkymo programą „Zoner Photo Studio“. Ji padės įkelti nuotraukas iš skaitmeninių fotoaparatų, rūšiuoti jas, kurti fotoalbumus bei atlikti paprasčiausius redagavimo darbus. Pvz., labai greitai ir nesudėtingai panaikinsime raudonų akių efektą, suklijuosime kelis paveikslėlius į panoraminę nuotrauką ar net susikursime išvaizdų kalendorių. Visą šį darbą palengvina draugiška vartotojo aplinka.
Time with your pictures has never been more fun
Zoner Photo Studio FREE 13 Build 7 is a free software designed for managing, editing and creating photos in a user-friendly environment, while offering you excellent tutorials.
The installation type for Zoner Photo Studio can be either set to express or custom.
Two clicks and a few seconds later you enter the first run wizard. This wizard puts an emphasis on the first-user experience and guides you one step at a time toward a basic program configuration (imported settings if they are available, file associations, destination folders).
You even have the option of indicating your preference when double-clicking a thumbnail, and choose to open it in Viewer or Editor (settings can be later changed).
If you are new to the image viewing platform, Zoner can provide you with easy-to-use tutorials concerning photo manipulation. Moreover, the developer offers regular free updates available to all Zoner users.
You may feel a little overwhelmed by the dark colored interface with four windows in Editor, but everything is pretty basic. You visualize a browser for images, information about specific files, a preview of images and a file managing navigator.
Photo manipulating tools include clone stamps, red-eye correction, a morphing mesh tool, brush strokes, watermarks, cropping and more.
So, if you want to manage, edit and share photos, then this software might be ideal for you, especially when you consider the current level of difficulty and sophistication of other image managing software (such as Photoshop).
But Zoner uses minimum resources, and you have all kinds of tutorials at your disposal, thanks to the well-organized community.
To wrap it up, Zoner Photo Studio is a simple software designed for digital photography, that any use can take advantage of and learn a thing or two about manipulating an image. It is definitely recommended for first-time users.
Atsisiųsti ( 26.7 MB / Windows XP / Vista / Vista64 / 7 / 7 x64 )